Halloween: Candy, costumes and more!

Many of us, especially our children, love Halloween. It’s a low-stress holiday built around visiting family and friends, attending parties, and dressing up in costumes. It’s the season of fall festivals, apple cider, ghost stories, and haunted houses. Our kids particularly love going door-to-door for “trick-or-treat” and getting candy in return.
Parents sometimes dread the pounds of candy collected and are concerned about the effect on their children’s health and teeth. Here are some great tips for helping to maintain healthy teeth while still enjoying the candy and treats of the Halloween season.
- Avoid hard, chewy candies. They tend to stick in hard-to-brush places.
- Limit the amount of candy that is consumed each day.
- Make sure to brush after eating candy and encourage children to floss.
- Keep candy out of sight to reduce temptation.
Halloween doesn’t have to just be about feasting on candy, there are many other events associated with this day. Carving and painting pumpkins, bobbing for apples, visiting haunted houses, or curling up at home with popcorn and scary movies are all common family traditions during this holiday.
Some parents will opt to promote a healthier choice instead of trick-or-treat, and there are some great alternatives to candy out there. Here are some of our top, candy-free picks for Halloween:
- Bubbles
- Glow sticks, wands, or glasses
- Mini crayons and coloring books
- Mini slinkies
- Stickers or tattoos
- Bouncy balls
- Vampire fangs (one of our favorites!)
- Granola bars or 100 calorie packs
Costumes and More
If you’re still looking for a costume idea, consider being a tooth fairy, vampire, or toothpaste and toothbrush. You can even be a dentist yourself on Halloween. Whichever costume you choose, be sure to wear something with bright colors or reflective lights so that you are visible to others on the road.
Parents should inspect all candy prior to allowing children to eat it and ensure that walkways have adequate lighting and a clear path for children to follow.
Our staff at A Childrens Dentist wishes you and your family a safe and festive Halloween season.